California Autos Examiner

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

A Spider Gets a Bright Idea

Detroit News has an interesting article on Spiderlites. These tail lamp replacement bulbs actually expand once they've passed through the mounting hole into three or five legs of LED's. You get a custom look with having to buy a new tail light assembly. Also, LED's light up much faster than regular bulbs, so you'll give folks behind you extra notice that you're stopping. What isn't answered by this article is whether the draw of these bulbs is the same as regular ones. The problem is, many cars are very sensitive to how much power each bulb draws. If the bulb doesn't match up with the OEM you could get erroneous "bulb failure" messages or other much more strange consequences. The bulbs run from $30 to $40. To read the full article, click here.

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