California Autos Examiner

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Citroen C-Buggy

Citroen is going to show the C-Buggy Concept car at the Madrid Motor Show at the end of this month. The C-Buggy really reminds me of the smart crossblade. A wild and wacky beach town kind of car. I often wondered why someone hadn't purchased a whole raft of crossblades for rental use in Tahiti. To me it seemed like a perfect fit. With no windshield it would be a tough sell in the USA. One British chap temporarily imported his crossblade to Florida and was pulled over by a deputy sheriff. The owner was told that with no windshield he was going to have to walk home. It took a TV station's consumer advocacy group to get the fellow back on the road. Because some age old treaties, he was able to drive around in the crossblade. But the sheriff's office offered no apologies and no guarantees that he wouldn't be pulled over again. He did get a "get out of jail free" letter stating the car's legality in case he was hassled, but no doubt it would be an inconvenience. I've thrown in some pictures of the crossblade for comparison.

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