California Autos Examiner

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Dieter: smart Decision in June

"We'll make a decision on the issue in June," said Dieter Zetsche on whether to launch the smart in the United States. Zetsche's word's echo Klaus Maier's, head of sales and marketing at the company's Mercedes Car Group, statement made several weeks prior. Do they really mean it this time? We’ve had so many false starts that I’ve lost count.

Zetsche was in Portland, Oregon to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the acquisition of Freightliner when he made the comment about smart. Dieter spent a lot of time at Freightliner helping to turn around the truck maker back in the early 90’s. It must be with some measure of self satisfaction that he now returns to Portland as the big cheese of the parent company. Well done, sir.

I found a rainy day photo to fit the Portland theme. Link to article here. Don't forget the latest fortwo spy shots here.

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