California Autos Examiner

Monday, May 15, 2006

Increased Production for the Solstice and Sky?

You've got a hit product on your hands and a Saturn ad campaign breaking this month that strongly features the Sky roadster. One problem: The Sky is sold out until the end of the year. GM's solution? It may increase production of the Solstice and Sky. Makes sense to me, as long as GM can increase production without damaging quality. Why not crank out as many of these hot cars as it can? It's doubtful that GM would choose to increase production so much that it would saturate the market, so have at it!

GM had a marketing conundrum of sorts with the G6 on Oprah. The giveaway was scheduled for Oprah's season opener, but the G6 wasn't available in volumes yet. Folks interested by the promotion found the pickings to be slim when the went to their Pontiac dealer. With Saturn going on a full court press, some folks might be disappointed by the length of time it would take for delivery of a Sky.

On a side note, here in the Bay Area I normally see new models on the road quite soon. For example, I've already seen quite a few FJ Cruisers. However, I've seen very few Solstice or Sky roadsters. I know that production has been limited, but it still seems strange.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I live in Dallas and see the Solstice all over the place. I see a minimum of one a week not counting the one in our work parking lot. They are different colors too, so it's not the same car over and over. I haven't seen a Sky on the road, though. I've seen 2 FJ Cruisers.