California Autos Examiner

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Larger "Hybrid Only" Vehicle on Tap for Toyota?

Toyota really took the bull by the horns when it came to plunging into hybrid technology. That risk has paid rich dividends for the company when it comes to a "green" image. You might as well stick a picture of the second generation Prius in the dictionary next to the word hybrid.

Rumors are now leaking out that Toyota has a larger 2 to 3 liter "hybrid only" on the way. For comparison the current Prius uses a 1.5 liter engine. A model that uses double the size engine would be a pretty big deal.

One thing I've noticed about Toyota as of late is that it's getting bigger and perhaps even more Americanized when it comes to new products. The funky xB is a much more of a whopper now with a larger engine. The new Highlander has also packed on more pounds and engine size. Certainly a strategy for success a few years ago, but now this lineup has me wondering. Is this what we as Americans want? I'm beginning to think about "adding lightness" as Colin Chapman used to say.

You can check out the source article at MSNBC.

The wacky Toyota i-unit pictured above has nothing to do with this story, I just thought it was eye catching.

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