California Autos Examiner

Monday, December 17, 2007

The Damage is Right! Game Show Switcheroo?

The Price is Right contestant Donna Tillman won a Pontiac GTO back in June of 2004. After paying the associated fees and taxes, Ms. Tillman was told that the car she had seen on the set of the show had "mechanical problems" and that she would be getting a replacement. Eight weeks later a different GTO showed up with more miles on the clock. Ms. Tillman took delivery of the car, but when she took it in for service she learned that the GTO had major damage to its frame that had been repaired and concealed. Nice.

No comment had been made by either the Price is Right or the Pontiac dealership.

Hopefully the GTO Ms. Tillman received didn't look like this photo before it was repaired. :-)

Source: reuters

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