California Autos Examiner

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Wrapping A Car Around A Tree

You hear the expression frequently, but seldom do you actually see it done. Here an SUV literally has wrapped itself around a tree. Sadly, the 26 year old driver of this vehicle died from injuries she received in this accident.

One of the things the concerns me is what will happen to the glut of SUVs that were sold during the big SUV boom of the past 15 years or so? My worry is that as these vehicles are sold and resold, there will be maintenance lapses in things like tires and brakes. With lower prices, these vehicles will be attractive to first time, inexperienced drivers who would have a handful piloting one of these vehicles when it was in its prime.

Please note that I'm not saying the cause of this accident was due to the lack of maintenance: it probably wasn't.

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