California Autos Examiner

Friday, April 18, 2008

Vlad Kapitonov: Designer

GM has provided this video about Russian born designer Vlad Kapitonov. Vlad is a creative designer, RWD high performance, exteriors in Warren, MI. GM provides a lead in that Vlad has worked on projects such as the Camaro, but the video itself doesn't really touch on that. Instead, Vlad talks about growing up in the middle of Russia and longing to be a part of the American car culture. Vlad seems like a nice enough guy but in the short bit we have, with an even shorter, looping soundtrack, we don't really get any meat and potatoes. Personally, I'd like to know more about the projects he's working on now or at least what it was like to work on the Camaro project. My recommendation is to play the video and then open up another tab and do something else while listening.

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