California Autos Examiner

Friday, May 09, 2008

ACATT: Better Or Worse?

Sometimes when I'm fiddling with the site's design, I feel like an optometrist. "Is this font better or worse?" "How about this ad placement, better or worse?" Anyway, lately there have been some changes.

Firstly, baby number two has settled down into somewhat of a routine, allowing me additional time to write again. Secondly, Blogger has finally allowed me to schedule content for later release. This really is a miracle because now I can write in advance and not have to worry about going back into the drafts and publishing the post. You benefit because you know that you'll get content each day and I won't get so depressed about sporadic posts.

In addition, I have modified the site's font to make it more legible. I'll be honest with you, this was largely driven by the fact that I am sick and tired of squinting at the monitor.

I hope that you find the changes of benefit to you. Thanks again for your support and have a great weekend!

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