California Autos Examiner

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Drive Smarter Challenge Could Use More Smarts

I'm a bit cynical about this "Drive Smarter Challenge" campaign that is being foisted up the American public. I suppose there are some folks out there how aren’t aware that the boat anchor in their LeSabre’s trunk is dragging down their mileage, but I’m not sure how great of an impact something like this program is going to make. However, in the interest of public service, let’s trot through the program.

We’ll go the website, and select our car. In this case, we’ll use our 2008 Sienna.

Ooh! A $557 potential savings! Can I get that via PayPal? Let’s read through the steps:

  1. Pump up the tires. Hmm. I already do that!
  2. Choose the proper oil viscosity. You mean I can’t use gear oil anymore? Hmm, I already do this as well.

  3. Reduce Vehicle Miles Travelled (VMT). We try to be conscious of this, but to be fair I’ll accept this challenge and try to make an even greater effort.

  4. Curb aggressive driving. Not guilty of this one at all.
  5. Drive sensibly. Okay, now I’m going to say that this is very similar to step four. Even weaker is the fact that they aren’t giving any tips about driving sensibly. LAME
  6. Ditch junk in the trunk. Hey, I’m taking that one personally :-)

Okay, now they want us to spam friends and family. Fine, Joe it is! Enjoy the mail! Now let’s get our coupons!!!

Save $10 on some oxygen sensors. DOUBLY LAME!!! What the heck am I going to do w/ that? I find it hard to believe that most folks taking this challenge, who are learning for the first time that tire pressure makes a difference, are going to know what to do with an oxygen sensor, let alone two of them. I could see, maybe, an air filter. More appreciated would be things like a discount tire gauge or money off of a tuneup.

Why doesn't the challenge customize the bullet points based on the type of vehicle you drive? How about asking about driving habits, how far you commute, so that tips can be more relevant? How about giving out commuter passes or point folks towards ride sharing? This whole website looks like it took less than a week and one programmer to setup. if you are going to be issuing a national challenge, doesn't it merit more time and attention?

There you have it folks. Personally I find this to be a bunch of useless feelgoodery, but that’s just me. Judge for yourselves at


Anonymous said...

Wow. Very interesting. Snaps to you for making a Blog about this information. I'm bookmarking you for sure.

Kim M. said...

Well done! I liked reading your blog...enjoyed your comments after each step...funny!

Michael Sheena said...

Thanks for the props! It's always nice hear folks enjoy reading this blog.