California Autos Examiner

Friday, September 19, 2008

ACATT Gets to the Bottom of GM's Heated Fluid Reservoir

Just when I get depressed after being roughed up by a PR rep, another one comes along and restores my faith in humanity. I was trying to find out more information about GM’s cancellation of its heated washer fluid option. I was intrigued to find out why an option that had been heavily marketed in vehicles such as the Buick Lucerne was being pulled. Was it because of the recall for cars equipped because of this option? A low take rate?

My calls to GM officials were returned and I had the pleasure of speaking with GM spokesman Tom Wilkinson (not to be confused with Tom Wilkinson the actor). While Mr. Wilkinson could not get into specifics, the option is being pulled due to supplier issues. That supplier is the one involved in the recall, so you can do your own math on that one. Mr. Wilkinson did say that GM has a stockpile of spares available for any warranty claims, but that a supply could not be assured for future production. As this point the option is off the table for GM vehicles and GM is not talking about any future possibilities for its return. Fair enough.

Thanks to GM representatives Tom Wilkinson and Brian Goebel for their follow-up and friendly responses.

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