California Autos Examiner

Monday, October 22, 2007

Gas Station Attendant / Fire Fighter

So you're sitting at your job at a gas station when suddenly a car slams into one of the pumps. The driver flees on foot and you're left with a fireball. What would you do?

61-year-old Luis Tamayo, the station's attendant, said he had no choice but to fight the fire himself. "I had to find a solution until firefighters arrived," he said through a translator. "I tried to do the best I could with what was available. This gas station was saved because I had three new fire extinguishers.

The guy who shot the video describes the scene: "He first got an extinguisher, and he was putting it out. That ran out, so he went and got another one, and then the second one ran out, and he slams it on the floor like he was super frustrated, so he still went back in and got a third one, and he put the fire out."

You can check out the video here. CNN also has an extended version of the fire video here.

Source: WSNV

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