California Autos Examiner

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Go Capless (No Ford Required)

Ford has been crowing about its capless fuel filling system. "This technology not only eliminates the inconvenience of forgetting to put the gas cap back on after fueling, but also saves time during refueling by doing away with unscrewing and replacing a fuel filler cap. "

Let's say, however, that no particular Ford catches your eye. What do to? Stant has the answer with the InStant Fill replacement cap. "The InStant fuel cap features a convenient trap door mechanism that accommodates the gas nozzle, eliminating the hassle of removing and replacing the cap when refueling. It also meets onboard diagnostic (OBDII) emission specifications."

I know that OBDII systems can be be pretty finicky so I'm not convinced that a check engine light might not illuminate from time to time regardless of what the product literature says. Rock Auto has the caps for around $12 so it would be a pretty cheap experiment.

Stant product info

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