California Autos Examiner

Friday, July 25, 2008

Lexus Lanes To Come To the Bay Area?

Bay Area officials approve toll-lane network

Solo drivers could pay for the privilege of driving in the carpool lanes may come to the San Francisco Bay Area starting in 2010 or 2011. These so called "Lexus lanes" have been used in Southern California for some time with apparently good results. Drivers would pay with their toll transponders and would be charged an undetermined number of cents per mile.

The argument is that carpool lanes are underused and this plan would allow for better resource utilization. I'm having some trouble with the economics of the situation. The project would cost $3.7 billion to build and you know that number is going to only get higher. Revenue over 25 years, yes that's right 25, has been estimated to be $6 billion. That seems like a pretty risky bet all in the name of helping solo drivers.

photo source: dave gostisha

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