California Autos Examiner

Friday, October 17, 2008

Fire! Car Carrying Cargo Ship Turns Crispy (Updated)

10/17 Update: It seems that my guess that the ship involved was the Pyxis has turned out to be correct. From the website

The chief engineer on the Toyofuji Shipping car carrier Pyxis died from asphyxiation earlier this week when a fire broke out on the ship's car deck.

You can check out the full post at Fairplay by clicking here. The site may require you to login, you can either register or use Bug Me Not to get a login. It's still unclear how much damage was done to the cars onboard, but the fact that someone lost his life is far more saddening than losing a boatload of replaceable cars.


Original 10/16 post:

A cargo ship heading for Portland, Oregon and carrying 3,900 Toyota cars caught fire off the shore of northern Japan's Miyagi Prefecture on Tuesday, October 14. Sadly, a chief engineer of the vessel was found not breathing. The Bloomberg article did not describe the damage done to the cars onboard.

The ship pictured above, named M/S Pyxis, does belong to Toyofuji Shipping Company and its route does include Toyohashi, Japan to Portland, but there is no saying that it was the ship involved in the fire.

image source: tom turner via flickr

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