California Autos Examiner

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Open the Pod Bay Doors, Hal: Are Podcars Coming?

I've been thinking about podcars lately. Not because I slept with one beneath my pillow but because wherever I turn it seems that someone is writing about them. One story I recently read talked about the town of Ithaca, New York and how a rabid group of podcar fans hope to make the college town the first podcar community in the United States. Also catching my eye was an update on Heathrow's podcar trial over at the aviation site Flight Global.

So what exactly is a podcar? Well, it's a small vehicle that runs on rails or a guideway. The selling point is that you can get a non-stop ride to your destination, as opposed to a bus or tram that has to make stops at all stations.

I can see these podcars fitting into a transportation at a closed campus, like an airport, but I'm not sold on the plan as far as citywide transportation is concerned. As one critic points out, in a large city it would be difficult to have enough capacity and in the suburbs there wouldn't be enough demand. Can you hear the Simpsons singing the monorail song in the background?

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