California Autos Examiner

Thursday, December 18, 2008

For Whom the Bell Tolls: Bay Area Bridges to Get Toll Hike (Don't Smirk Carpoolers, You Might Get It Too)

Poor credit, reduced traffic and the need for seismic improvements are the driving forces (yeah, that's a pun, get over it) behind a toll hike for Bay Area bridges. A bump from $4 to $5 would be the order of the day for most folks, but also on the table would be a possible toll charge for carpoolers who currently get a free ride during peak commute hours. Carpoolers would pay a reduced rate, two or three dollars, but the sting of losing their free ride would undoubtedly upset these commuters.

"This is a really punishing Christmas present to give to the Bay Area at a time when people are hurting," said Steve Kinsey, a Marin County supervisor and authority member. "But these bridges are fundamental to the mobility of the Bay Area." Ho, Ho, Ho

sourc: sfgate

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