California Autos Examiner

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Car headlights, stripping and a game called 'Sex Me': Okay, I'm interested

Photo courtesy of mag3737 on Flickr

Counting burned out headlights. I remember that game! What I don't recall is taking off an article of clothing after I saw a 'dead eye.' So it seemed like a brilliant move for 23-year-old Joshua N. Sizemore and 18-year-old Amanda L. Madison when they came up with this variation of a time honored time waster. According to the participants, if you see a car with a headlight out, and if you yell "sex me!" first, the other person has to take a piece of clothing off.

Where the couple went wrong is when they decided to hurl rocks off a trestle, hitting cars in the process. That is a serious party foul. Why would you want wreck nudity or the potential for nudity with an act that can hurt other people? Well, the fun is over and Madison is being held on $50,000 bail while Sizemore is being held on $40,000 bail. Nice goin' kids.

If it makes you feel any better, Sizemore has since publicly apologized.

Story source: KOMO News, via via Buzzfeed.

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